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Accommodation Services

Iowa Central’s Accommodations Office is committed to serving students with disabilities.  Our purpose is to remove barriers for students with disabilities to ensure equal access to educational opportunities at Iowa Central Community College. 
Academic accommodations are determined on an individual basis for each student who applies for services. A conversation about your experience and expectations will help identify the information necessary to support your accommodation request.

Accommodation Process

  1. Any student who wishes to be considered for reasonable accommodations must identify to the Accommodations Office by submitting:
    • Public Accommodation Request Form
    • Complete and current documentation relevant to the disability. Documentation can be uploaded in the above request form, faxed to (515) 574-1162 or mailed:

      Iowa Central Community College
      Accommodations Office
      One Triton Circle
      Fort Dodge, IA 50501

    • Confidentiality: The Accommodations Office is committed to protecting the confidentiality of student records in our possession.  We retain student records in compliance with both state and federal law, in particular with the Family Education Right and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  2. Schedule a welcome meeting with the Accommodations Coordinator to review your educational and accommodation history. If it has not been previously provided, please bring complete and current documentation relevant to the disability.
  3. A preliminary review of the student's request form, welcome meeting information, and documentation is completed. If clarification and/or additional documentation are needed, the student is informed and it is their responsibility to provide it.
  4. When the review of the documentation is complete and an eligibility is made an Accommodation Notification email will be sent to the student and other appropriate personnel.
  5. Each semester students must complete the Request for Semester Accommodations form in order to obtain services for that term.
    • This form can be located by logging into your Accommodate Account through Triton Pass.
  6. If a student disagrees with the eligibility decision made by the Accommodations Office, it is recommended that the student meet with the ARC Coordinator – Accommodations to discuss their concerns and options.
  7. If after meeting with the ARC Coordinator – Accommodations, the student is dissatisfied with the accommodations provided by the college and/or if a student’s concern is one of perceived discrimination because of a disability, the student may use the formal complaint procedure described in the Student Handbook located on Iowa Central’s website.

Contact Information

Emily Lane
ARC Coordinator – Accommodations

I love having a home away from home with all the friendships I have created.

Ayrton Peterson
General Studies
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