Campus Life at Iowa Central
Cancellations and Delays

Weather Related Cancellations and Delays

If you believe there is a possibility of classes being canceled or delayed due to severe weather conditions, or any other reason, monitor the following media for announcements. PLEASE DO NOT PHONE THE COLLEGE TO CHECK THE STATUS OF CLASS CANCELLATIONS.

Triton Alert

The Triton Alerts emergency text messaging service will be used in response to severe weather conditions. In the event of cancellation or delay of scheduled classes, a text message will be sent to the cell number that you specify and your email address. To subscribe to this service register by clicking the "Emergency Notifications" link in the TritonPass menu.


An e-mail message will be sent to all Iowa Central staff and students.


Iowa Central Community College
KCCI Television


KCCI Channel 8
WHO Channel 13

To facilitate the efficient removal of snow, employees and students are encouraged to leave campus as soon as possible and/or not come to the college when classes are canceled.

Inclement Weather

Iowa Central gives serious consideration to travel conditions during inclement weather and makes a concerted effort to reach decisions as early as possible regarding the cancellation or delay of classes. There are no clear-cut guidelines for canceling or delaying classes because many factors including time of day, total snow fall, wind, visibility, temperature, etc., all effect the decision. We monitor weather conditions based on forecasts and the location of winter storms and target making a decision by 6:00 A.M. for day classes and 4:00 P.M. for evening classes. However, weather conditions can change very quickly and it may not always be possible to make decisions by these targeted times. PLEASE DO NOT PHONE THE COLLEGE TO CHECK THE STATUS OF CLASS CANCELLATIONS. The final decision to attend college classes can only be made by the individual based on their specific extenuating circumstances that may make it hazardous for them to travel.

Cancellation or Delay of Classes

The decision to cancel or delay classes will be made by the President or by his designee. If classes are delayed or canceled, the message will go to local radio/TV stations by approximately 6 a.m. or as soon as possible. A text message and email will also be sent to your cell phone if you are a TritonAlert subscriber. No announcement of cancellation or delayed classes via the media will mean that classes will be held as usual that day. At times, due to staff availability or changing weather conditions, there may be a delay in making announcements.

Delay of Classes

For one hour and one and one-half hour classes, students and staff will report to the class with a start time at or after the announced start time. Department staff will define the start time for programs, such as those in the Applied Science and Technology Department, that are not one hour or one and one-half hour in length.

Early Dismissal of Classes

Should conditions develop during the day that would dictate that classes be dismissed early, the announcement of such dismissal will be circulated to the buildings by a member of the faculty or administrative staff. Students will not be used to circulate such information. The decision will be made by the President or by his designee.

Evening Classes

Any decision regarding evening classes (those starting after 5 p.m.) shall be made as soon as possible. Cancellation announcements will be given to local radio stations.

Cancellation or Delay of Activities and Non-Credit Classes

Department staff will determine any start time for activities or non-credit classes when the College is closed or opens late.

The coaches inspire me every day, not just to be a good dancer, but to be a better person, teammate, captain, and student. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else other than Iowa Central.

Brylie Huddleson
General Studies
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