Iowa Central Consumer Activities
This Activity covers the following topics:
- Method of Disclosure 668.41(b)(c)
- Financial Assistance Information 668.42
- Institutional Information 668.43
- Availability of Employees for Information dissemination purposes 668.44
- Constitution and Citizenship Day Federal Register 5/24/2005
- Net Price Calculator
- Vaccination Policy
- Copyright Information
- Textbook Information
- Penalties of drug-related offenses
- College Navigator
- Student Body Diversity
For students wishing to file a complaint or grievance, other than those dealing with any form of Harassment or Grade Appeals, please follow the procedures outlined in Board Policy 310 “Handling Complaints Regarding Employees”.
For students unable to resolve a complaint or grievance by following Board Policy 310, the Iowa College Student Aid Commission (ICSAC) accepts questions from the public and complaints from students concerning unresolved issues with schools in the following categories:
- Schools that are physically located in Iowa.
- Schools that are registered in Iowa, including schools that are registered in Iowa only to provide programs via distance education.
- Any school in the U.S., if the party registering the question or complaint with the Commission is an Iowa resident. The Commission may refer the inquiring party to or request the assistance of the regulatory authority in the state in which the school is located.
Bureau of College Aid Student Dispute Resolution Form:
Iowa College Student Aid Commission
475 SW Fifth St, Suite D
Des Moines, IA 50309
Required Documentation
Review and record what office is responsible for reviewing and updating the information listed below. Also indicate where this information is located and when it was last updated.
- Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Information 668.14(c); 34 CFR 86
Required Documentation
Activity—Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act
- Review and record what office is responsible for reviewing and updating the information listed below. Also indicate where this information is located and when it was last updated.
- Completion/Graduation Rates of Student Athletes
- Disclose of Equity in Athletics
Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act 668.47
Required Documentation
- Review and record what office is responsible for reviewing and updating the information listed below. Also indicate where this information is located and when it was last updated.
- Completion Rates
- Graduation Rates
- Retention Rates
Required Documentation
- Clergy (Campus Security) Act 668.46; Handbook for Campus Crime Reporting
- Crime Statistics
- Timely Warning and Emergency Notification
- Daily Crime Log
- Emergency Response/Evacuation
- Missing Student Notification Policy
Required Documentation
- Review and record what office is responsible for reviewing and updating the information listed below. Also indicate where this information is located and when it was last updated.
FERPA 34 CFR 99.30; 34 CFR 99.31
Required Documentation
FTC regulations: 16 CFR 313.3(n) and 16 CFR 314.1-5
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act: Sections 501 and 505(b)(2)
U.S. Code: 15 USC 6801(b), 6805(b)(2)
- Postsecondary educational institutions participating in the FSA programs are subject to the information security requirements established by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for financial institutions.
Required Documentation
- Review and record what office is responsible for reviewing and updating the information listed below. Also indicate where this information is located and when it was last updated.
- Fire Safety
Institutional fire safety policies and fire statistics 668.49
Required Documentation
- Review and record what office is responsible for reviewing and updating the information listed below. Also indicate where this information is located and when it was last updated.
Misrepresentation 668.71; 668.72; 668.73; 668.74 DCL GEN-11-05
Required Documentation
- Review and record what office is responsible for reviewing and updating the information listed below. Also indicate where this information is located and when it was last updated.
- Loan Disclosures
Required Documentation
The campus has a spectacular structure. ICCC has individual learning, as it is a school with a "smaller" number of students, the teachers give you more attention which helps you better understand the subject. The ARC helps students, as there is a reading and writing center inside, as well as tutors for general subjects.