Dream Big/Act Now!
Dream Big. Act Now.

You have that star quality. You have the potential to make the performing arts shine brightly in the Fort Dodge area.

Unfortunately, the Iowa Central Community College Decker Auditorium is not inspiring the best performances. Decker Auditorium proudly fulfilled its nearly 50-year purpose. Now is the time for our antiquated auditorium to go dark and for a true center for performing arts to take the center-stage light.

Please join us as we Dream Big and Act Now to build a modern, multipurpose center for performing arts for our college, our community and our region. Your star power will inspire students and entertain this region for years to come.

The curtain is going up on our story. We hope you will step forward, hit your spot in the light and deliver a starring role to make this a performance to remember.


Request Your Iowa Central Transcipt
Transforming Our Auditorium

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Our Vision

Meet our Campign Co-Chairs

John and Margo Daniel

Campaign Co-Chairs
Co-Chairs John and Margo Daneil

“This space is an important part of our community. It benefits students and our citizens, and will be a shining star for generations to come. We’re fortunate to have Iowa Central in our region.”

Dan Cassady

Campaign Co-Chair
Co-Chair Dan Cassady

“Fort Dodge has a long history of outstanding musicians and providing many outstanding musical performances. Our heritage will be sustained with the creation of a Center for Performing Arts at Iowa Central Community College.”

Message from Mary Ludwig

Vice President of Development and Alumni
Learn How You Can Become A Donor Today

For nearly fifty years, performances at Iowa Central’s Decker Auditorium have entertained our families, friends, and neighbors. Unfortunately, the auditorium does not shine as brightly as it once did.

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Alumni Difference Makers

Contact Us

Mary Ludwig
Vice President of Development and Alumni