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Triton News

Save the date for our Annual Grad Fest Event!

    Sarah Ramthun - Assistant Registrar/VA Certifying Official

Grad Fest will take place in the Student Resource Center on Wednesday, April 17th, 2024 from 9am-7pm. This will give students the opportunity to ask any graduation related questions, make payment and talk to various departments if needed. Also, get a jump start if going into the work force by meeting with Career Services!

Students will also have the opportunity to pick up their cap and gown during Grad Fest!  The following departments will be available to meet with students: Student Records, Business Office, Financial Aid, Career Services, Bookstore, Advising Center, Alumni Services, and the International Student Services Coordinator.

Thank you in advance for attending Grad Fest…we look forward to having you there!

Save the date for our Annual Grad Fest Event!

The coaches inspire me every day, not just to be a good dancer, but to be a better person, teammate, captain, and student. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else other than Iowa Central.

Brylie Huddleson
General Studies
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