Online Learning at Iowa Central
Coaching Authorization

Coaching Authorization

Iowa Central Community College offers courses toward the Coaching Authorization or Coaching Endorsement. These four courses are offered in various formats and the information below should help direct you to the delivery method that is best suited for you. Keep in mind that Iowa Central only offers the courses. The Board of Educational Examiners (B.O.E.E) grants the authorization/endorsement.

Below is a chart that people can use to help identify which course offering best suits you.  One course from each category must be completed before submitting the application. Please keep in mind that there may be other courses that could apply. These are the most popular courses completed at Iowa Central for the coaching authorization/endorsement. Popular internet delivery courses are in green. A non-credit offering of the coaching authorization is available. Click here to go to Iowa Central’s non-credit page of coaching authorization.

Category 1 – Structure and Function

Course # Course Title Credit or Non-credit Delivery Method Book Req’d
PEC 123 Anatomy for Coaching 1 Credit Online No
PEC 121 Body Structure and Function 2 Credits On Campus Yes
BIO 163 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology 4 Credits On Campus Yes
BIO 168 Human A & P I 4 Credits On Campus Yes
  Kinesiology   Not Offered at Iowa Central  

Category 2 – Human Growth and Development

Course # Course Title Credit or Non-credit Delivery Method Book Req’d
PEC 115 Athletic Development & Human Growth 1 credit Online No
PSY 121 Developmental Psychology 3 credits On Campus & Online Yes
PSY 222 Child Psychology 3 credits On Campus & Online Yes
PSY 224 Adolescent Psychology 3 credits On Campus & Online Yes
  *Dynamics of Human Development   Not Offered at Iowa Central  
  *Growth and Motor Performance   Not Offered at Iowa Central  
  (B.O.E.E. cannot accept educational psychology, general psychology, or abnormal psychology to meet this requirement.)

Category 3 – Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries

Course # Course Title Credit or Non-credit Delivery Method Book Req’d
PEC 127 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injury 2 credits Online Yes
PET 105 Basic Athletic Training 3 credits On Campus Yes
  *First Aid and Safety in Sports   Not Offered at Iowa Central  

Category 4 – Theory of Coaching

Course # Course Title Credit or Non-credit Delivery Method Book Req’d
PEC 110 Coaching Ethics, Techniques & Theory 1 credit Online No
PEC 111 Techniques and Theory of Coaching 2 credits On Campus Yes
  * Other courses which most commonly meet the requirements

Requirements to Complete Coaching Authorization

  1. Complete courses that satisfy all 4 categories listed above.
  2. Concussion course – click here to access the free course through the B.O.E.E.:
  3. Background Check: Completed with your application on the B.O.E.E website
  4. B.O.E.E. Application:
  5. CPR cannot be the online only version and we do not accept a note/letter from the instructor.  Upload a CPR card from one of the following approved providers:

Additional B.O.E.E. Website Links


Coaching Authorization = Open to all qualified persons, 18 years of age or older, who have completed the required coursework and cleared the background check.


Coaching Endorsement = Only open to those who currently have an Iowa teaching license.  All courses must be completed for college credit (non-credit courses DO NOT apply).

Colleges do not grant the authorization or endorsement. Colleges only offer the courses for people to apply to the Board of Educational Examiners (B.O.E.E.).

  1. Structure and Function of the Human Body
    Human Anatomy
    Human Physiology
  2. Human Growth and Development
    Developmental Psychology
    Child Psychology
    Adolescent Psychology
    Dynamics of Human Development
    Growth and Motor Performance
    (General Psych, Intro to Psych, Educational Psych, or Abnormal Psych do not meet this requirement)
  3. Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries
    First Aid and Safety in Sports
    Basic Athletic Training
  4. Theory of Coaching
    The B.O.E.E. will typically accept courses in the theory of coaching in general or in theory of coaching of a specific sport.

**** See chart to determine what courses Iowa Central offers *****

Iowa Central offers the courses for college credit and for non-credit (continuing education).

Non-credit: The non-credit courses are offered online with 2 different options (Regular or Rush). Click here to enroll now for non-credit coaching authorization courses.

College Credit: Iowa Central offers the courses online. Courses are offered through an internet delivery.

Only the Board of Educational Examiners can determine if a previous completed course will satisfy a requirement category.

Completed with your application on the B.O.E.E website.

The cost of the coaching authorization for non-credit is less than the college credit option. Contact Iowa Central for the current prices of both options. If you have questions about the non-credit coaching authorization, please call 515-574-1293 or email

You can enroll into all courses at one time; HOWEVER, we encourage people to enroll into only one at a time for various reasons. If you are thinking about enrolling into multiple courses at one time, please contact the Distance Learning Office at Iowa Central for details. For example, most people work on one coaching course at a time. If for some reason you do decide that you either do not have the necessary time, desire, etc., you are enrolled into all courses. When enrolled into one course at a time, you only have the commitment of one course (not all four). Refund calculations are also based upon enrollment dates.

Yes - All course offerings or delivery methods require pre-registration for the courses prior to attending/starting.

Once enrolled by the staff, full payment is needed before you can begin. For first time students to Online courses, students will need to first complete the Online Student Orientation prior to gaining access to the coaching class.

  1. Complete Distance Learning Application
  2. Complete Online Enrollment Request Form
  3. Make full payment (Steps 1 and 2 need to be received and info must be put into our system prior to making payment.)
  4. Complete Online Student Orientation (This can be completed 4-5 days before the class begins).
  5. Within about 1-2 hours after completing step 4, you will gain access to the course

Please Note- These steps can each take time to complete.  The entire process is typically not all completed within one day.

I chose Iowa Central because of the amazing opportunities and teachers. When I came to visit, I fell in love with the teachers in my program of study.

Ruth Chalstrom
Human Services
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