Why join a Club/Organization?
Iowa Central Community College supports the opportunity for students to gather and form groups based on like interests that help create a sense of teamwork, collaboration, the sharing of ideas, and an environment for students to expand on their college experience beyond the classroom. This fits right into the Iowa Central mission. At Iowa Central a wide variety of student clubs and organizations dealing with certain areas of study, as well as social opportunities are offered. A description and contact person for all students who are considering joining a club is listed in the following.
Accounting Club
Niki Johnson - - Ext. 1276
The Accounting Club is an organization specifically for Accounting and/or Business students at Iowa Central designed to foster business professionalism. We strive to connect students with business leaders from around the area to build connections with future employers. The club hosts a wide variety of events to expose students to the large number of opportunities available to them with their degrees.
Art & Photography Club
Rochelle Green - Ext. 1182; Jennifer Dutcher - Ext. 1178
The club will inspire, challenge, and educate you in Art and Photography. The projects and events are open to all level of artists. Events are held 2-3 times a semester. Watch for posts on Triton Pass.
Collegian (College newspaper)
Michelle Tjaden - - Ext. 1057
For students interested in working on the award-winning student newspaper. Learn about writing, editing, design and advertising in a professional setting.
Culture Club
Rochelle Green - - Ext. 1182
Jennifer Dutcher - - Ext. 1178
Students will broaden their world horizons while making valuable connections with other students and faculty. Students will be exposed to diverse cultural activities and experiences through music, food, film, visual arts, and performing arts.
Fishing Club
Sone Chounthirath - - Ext. 1913
The fishing club is an organization of Iowa Central students who have a passion for the sport. The fishing club will allow students to meet other likeminded students so that they can find other students to go enjoy the great fishing our area offers.
Future Educator’s Club
Jeffrey Halter - - Ext. 1198
The Future Educators Club is designed to bring all students interested in a future career in Education together. It will be the purpose and goal of the Iowa Central Community College (ICCC) Future Educators Club (FEC) to be a system of support for students interested in a career in education, and to assist them in succeeding and preparing for their future career.
Human Services Club
The Human Services Club is an organization for all Iowa Central students. The club’s purpose is to provide a gathering point for students who have a common interest in pro-social and volunteer activities. Membership is not limited to students in the Human Services Program. The group will offer a student opportunity to network with other students and develop new friendships. Members will also learn more about the community’s human services agencies, programs, and services.
I.C. Green Club
Kyrie Borsay - - Ext. 1194
Through promoting education and awareness, advocating sustainable development, and introducing students to outdoor activities, the I.C. Green Club seeks to establish Iowa Central as an environmentally positive example for the benefit of the college itself, the greater Fort Dodge community, and the world at large. Any student who attends Iowa Central may be a member of I.C. Green.
IC Pride
Callie Christiansen - - Ext. 1180
I.C. Pride is Iowa Central’s LGBTQIA+ club (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer/Questioning, Intersex, Asexual/Ally, and more!). The goals of our club are to provide a place for LGBTQIA+ individuals to gather for weekly meetings and be engaged in the LGBTQIA+ community. We strive to provide a presence on campus to increase diversity and inclusion. Events and opportunities for the club will be provided throughout the semester. Our club is welcoming to all LGBTQIA+ members, Allies, and anyone interested in learning more about the community!
Gabby Sullivan - - Ext. 1366
Flag football, volleyball, frisbee golf, and basketball are all offered as intramural sport options. Sign-up dates and starting dates are listed on the calendar. For more information, contact the Student Activities Office at Ext. 1039.
Phi Theta Kappa
Samantha McClain - - Ext. 1080
Iowa Central has a charter from the Phi Theta Kappa National Junior/Community College Honor Society Fraternity. For membership into Phi Theta Kappa, the following criteria must be met: 1) Grade point must be 3.5 or higher (cumulative); 2) Must have accumulated 12 hours of college credit; 3) Developmental courses will not be considered as part of the criteria (grade point average and credit load); 4) Grades must be posted on transcript within three full weeks of end of term; 5) There is a one-time membership fee of $80.00.
Professional Agricultural Student Organization – PAS
Terry Coleman - - Ext. 1918
One of the many purposes of PAS is to provide an opportunity for developing leadership abilities through participation in the employment experience programs, course work, and organization activities. It’s motto is “Uniting Education and Industry in Agriculture”.
Programming and Activities Club (PAC)
Brandon Bush - - Ext. 1039
It will be the purpose and goal of the Programming & Activities Club (PAC) to be a support for Student Life Team at Iowa Central for programing ideas and assistance. This group will support the mission statement of Iowa Central by providing quality educational opportunities inside and outside of the classroom. This group will help student life team set up events, give feedback, come up with new ideas, and help create a positive student life experience on campus.
Skills USA
SkillsUSA is the only national organization designed exclusively for students preparing for technical, skilled and service careers, including health careers. Skills USA offers opportunities for competitive events and awards from the local to national levels. Students will be actively involved in learning employability and leadership skills as part of SkillsUSA to help them prepare for a successful career.
Student Ambassador Program (see admissions department)
The Enrollment Management and Student Development Office accepts applications for Ambassadors in the Iowa Central Student Ambassador Program. Ambassadors are required to devote 48 hours per semester giving college tours, phone calling and acting as host/hostess for activities sponsored by the President’s Office and Enrollment Management and Student Development. Applications are available in the Admissions Office. (Student Support Services Building, Fort Dodge).
Student American Dental Hygiene Association – SADHA
Renee Piper - - Ext. 1326
SADHA’s mission is to advance the art and science of dental hygiene, and to promote the highest standards of education and practice in the profession. Our goal is to Empower, Support, and Develop Student Members, by offering opportunities for personal and professional development, leadership, and recognition for your achievements. Contributions to the community’s oral health standards through professional activities with your state and local associations. Professional membership builds an identity for you and the dental hygiene profession.
Student Senate
Jeffrey Halter - - Ext. 1198
Students participating in Iowa Central’s Student Senate can earn valuable college credit (1 credit hour per term) and receive $100-$300 scholarship money per semester. Students will help plan and oversee voter registration drives, game nights, student recruitment, campus life, publicity, political action drives, karaoke contests, and other activities for Iowa Central students. Student Senators will also organize carnivals for elementary school children, toy and food drives to benefit impoverished and needy families, as well as other community service events.
Tabletop Gaming
Michael Baird - - Ext. 1236
A club for anyone who enjoys pen-and-paper RPGs, board games, trading card games, or any other game that can be played on a tabletop. We are a group of enthusiastic and welcoming individuals who gather on a weekly basis to enjoy the company of other gamers and to try our hands at various games as we grow our community on campus and beyond. All are welcome in our casual gatherings. Bring your own game/s or join one of ours.
Forming New Clubs/Organizations
Student Life and Activities - David Pearson/Brandon Bush 1039
If interested in starting a new campus organization, stop in the Student Activity Office located in the Student Resource Center. Membership must be made up of Iowa Central students with a full-time staff member as an advisor. Below are the minimum criteria as listed in our board policy to be sanctioned as a club/organization. Clubs/organizations that are sanctioned are allowed representation in the student government and can incorporate “Iowa Central” into its name. Organizations that do not qualify to be sanctioned may become recognized, allowing members to meet on campus.
a. Minimum Criteria
- A Full-time faculty member is willing to serve as an active sponsor or professional support staff;
- A Minimum of ten (10) students have indicated an interest and have documentation that the organization will benefit the student body;
- The intent of the group demonstrates inclusiveness and is free from bias of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, or military service;
- Supports the instructional areas of the College; and
- Supports the mission and objectives of the college
b. Standards
- Ensure that all legal and financial obligations incurred by the organization must be met
- Ensure that all fundraising activities obtain prior approval from the Director of Student Life and the Vice President of Development and Alumni Relations.
- Forward constitution for forming a new group by March 15
c. Process for Approval
- Complete an application to become a sanctioned organization
- Receive approval from student government/senate; and
- Receive approval from the Student Organization Review Team
d. Active Charters Must Comply with the following
- Provide an updated constitution
- Serve a minimum of 10 hours per semester towards Student Life Activities
- Submit a membership form each year, including previously approved groups, to the Director of student Life and Activities; and
- Provide an annual report to review intent, goals, objectives, and extent of student involvement.
* Social Events: all college - sponsored social events shall be under the control of college administration.
How to begin
We are glad that you are interested in forming a student organization at Iowa Central Community College and hope you enjoy the experiences you gain from these activities. Please review the information below and on the following pages. If you have questions and need clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the Director of Student Life & Activities at Ext. 1039.
Step By Step
- Obtain the Necessary Application (Petition to Organize) form from the Student Life & Activities Office or the office of the Dean of Student Services.
- Ten (10) members are needed to form a club or an organization.
- One (1) full-time faculty member is needed to sponsor and assist in organizing the club.
- Complete the application (Petition to Organize) form and return it to the Student Life & Activities Office or the office of the Dean of Student Services. Goals, objectives, and the Constitution for the club/organization must accompany the application.
- Upon completion of the group’s petition, the request for organizational status will be subject to the approval by the Dean of Student Services. When approved, the group’s sponsor will be notified and will become eligible to assume status as an officially recognized Iowa Central club/organization.
- If organizational status is denied by the Dean of Student Services, an appeal can be made to the Vice President of Student Services.
- The registration deadline for forming a new club/organization is March 15.
* Student Life & Activities Office, Student Resource Center, Ext 1039
**All previously approved clubs/organizations are required to register with the Student Life & Activities Office each fall to retain official status for the academic year. All materials are due in to the Student Life Office by May 1.
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